Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Term 4 Week 2

Last week, in my school we are doing a thing called fantastic Friday.  Fantastic Friday is a thing that you will chose an activate like glee and sewing/wool craft .I chose to do was glee. It was Friday and it was the end of the day when we went to are fantastic Friday activates and sew we went  some of my frees did glee the songs that we are doing is "Ugly Heart" and "Say Geronimo"  sew we did some warm ups like zzzzzz and heads solder knees and  toes we also did a anther song that I don't. The first thing that we did was heads solder knees and  toes for a worm up next we sang to "Ugly Heart" then the peoprson that was leding it all
said wode you like to sing  "Say Geronimo" then we play a game called zzzzzz Then it was to go home .
I want to chose some thing difint nekst time.  

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